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High School EOCEP Test Dates and Information - Updated 12/10/24

High School students who are enrolled in an EOCEP (End of Course Examination Program) course will participate in Fall/Winter EOCEP testing on the following dates.


EOCEP Testing Schedule:

  • EOC English 2 Writing (December 9)
  • EOC English 2 Reading (December 10)
  • EOC US History (December 11)
  • EOC Biology (December 12)
  • EOC Algebra 1 (December 13)*


*Due to the State Championship Football game on Friday, December 13th, the EOC Algebra 1 test for Summerville High School students will be rescheduled to Monday, December 16th. This schedule change applies to Summerville High School ONLY.

Students are reminded to do the following prior to testing starting on December 9th:

  • Restart your student device.
  • Ensure that your student device is fully charged each day of EOCEP testing.
  • Arrive on time each day for testing.
  • Avoid scheduling doctor’s appointments and other out-of-school functions on scheduled testing days.


On Test Days:

Students may not be in possession of any personal electronic devices to include, but not limited to:  phones, smart watches, wireless headphones/earbuds, etc. 

Consequences of misconduct include, but are not limited to:

  • Invalidation of the test score
  • Receiving a zero on the test
  • Suspension or expulsion from school
  • Investigation by local police or the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) with possible criminal charges or other civil or legal sanction 

Students and parents can find out more about these assessments on the South Carolina Department of Education website.  Parent resources, including brochures, sample items, sample score reports, Score Report User’s Guide, translations, and alternate formats for these resources can be accessed on the South Carolina Department of Education website.