SIC Archives
- October 10, 2023
- November 14, 2023
- December 12, 2023
- January 9, 2024 (Rescheduled Jan. 16th due to weather)
- February 13, 2024
- March 12, 2024
- April 9, 2024
- May 14, 2024
October 10, 2023
SIC Agenda 10/10/2023
1. Call to order
2. Review of Old business:
3. New Business:
a. Confirmation of SIC Officers. Officers typically serve two years. This should be the second year
of each person’s term.
i. Chairmen-James Carroll
ii. Vice chair-Angela Adamian
iii. 2nd Vice chair-(historically we have had two, by laws may need to be adjusted, or it can
be struck)
iv. Secretary-Debbie Sommerville
b. Review and Update SIC Initiatives and projects (I have included last years below, underlined and
italicized, new ideas for the 23-24 year have been bolded)
i. Beautification Days
ii. Support the staff through appreciation efforts and increase moral.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
iv. Inclusion Activities with BSU and MLL (including a second year of the cultural event
v. Beautification Days
c. Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year (I have included last years below, underlined and italicized)
i. Increase the number of parent and student volunteers and opportunities for involvement.
ii. Support the staff of SHS through appreciation efforts and increase moral.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
d. Core Values of the Month
i. Start date?
ii. Establish values for each month
iii. How will these values be rewarded?
4. Next Meeting: 14 November, 5pm
5. Adjourn
SIC Minutes 10/10/2023
Toni Olson, Angie Hamric, Angela Adamian, Ciara Male, Mrs. St. Andrews, Diane McCracken, Jennifer
Plane, Mr. Carroll (virtually), Susan Green and Sabrina Dagley.
Carroll called the meeting to order, and Mrs. Adamian seconded.
No old minutes: Male moved that we pass over old minutes; Hamric seconded.
Motion to strike second vice-chair. Plane concurred.
Olson—our cultural fair was a success last year.
Meeting this Friday in Carroll’s room (250) at 8:00
New Business:
a. Confirmation of SIC Officers. Officers typically serve two years. This should be the second year
of each person’s term.
i. Chairmen-James Carroll
ii. Vice chair-Angela Adamian
iii. Secretary-Debby Somerville
b. 2023-24 Block Party/Cookbook Launch/Panel:
i. NOTES/IDEAS: This year’s theme is food and culture during holidays. It has been
proposed that the MLL students write an international cookbook. Olson pointed out
that this project could also give us Health and Nutrition points at MUSC. We could
incorporate some of the restaurants in Charleston. Could be a “My family to yours”
concept. We need to sell this idea to several chefs and parents. Teachers can be given
tickets to give to their students who have gone above and beyond in the classroom. St.
Andrews said she would speak to a family member about restaurants. Sabrina Dagley
also has connections with Trident chefs. Students can work on cookbooks all year while
we prepare. Cultural food trucks are also a possibility (outside Teal Miller’s room).
Possibly have an event each month highlighting a different countries’ food.
ii. Proposed time: March 2024
iii. Place: Mini gym if admin approve
iv. Wave T.V. spots on the cultures represented by our MLL students. For example, we
could do an event on “Day of the Dead.”
v. MLL students can film themselves at home cooking their food in their language.
c. Review and Update SIC Initiatives and Projects:
i. Beautification Days –on hold for the moment
ii. Support the staff through appreciation efforts and increase morale.
Staffulty Notes, Candy, etc.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
Inspiring notes and posters around the building and in bathrooms.
Mental Health Tip of the Week (Adamian’s club).
iv. Inclusion Activities with BSU and MLL (see above notes)
d. Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year
i. Increase the number of parent and student volunteers and opportunities for involvement
(Connected to students’ cooking at home through parent involvement).
ii. Support the staff of SHS through appreciation efforts and increase morale.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
e. Core Values of the Month—revamp and streamline
i. Start date once per semester (students who represent all core values—one per grade level).
ii. How will these values be rewarded? Certificate, candy, etc. (Angie is checking with Horace
2. Next Meeting: 14 November, 5 pm
3. Adjourn –Ciara Male motions to adjourn. Angie Hamric seconded the motion.
November 14, 2023
SIC Agenda 10/10/2023
1. Call to order
2. Review of Old business:
a. Confirmation of SIC Officers. Officers typically serve two years. This should be the second year
of each person’s term.
b. 2023-24 Block Party/Cookbook Launch/Panel:
c. Review and Update SIC Initiatives and Projects:
d. Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year
e. Core Values of the Month—revamp and streamline
3. New Business:
a. Health and Wellness Mental Health Tips-Angela Adamian
b. Update on cultural fair-Carroll
4. Next Meeting: 12 December, 5pm
5. Adjourn
SIC Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2023
Attendance: Angie Hamric (Bio-Med), Ciarra Male (PTSA), Suzanne Green (Millie Lewis—community member), Angela Adamian (English), Jennifer Plane (Admin), Debby Somerville (SIC Secretary, Nora Blackwell (Teacher Cadets), Trinity Pristley (Student Body President), Logan Kelly (HOSA), Sabrina Dagley (Esports and Engineering), Mary Ruth Horres (HOSA), Catherine Corbin(World Languages), Jay Lin (Health & Wellness), Terana’jan Geddis (Health & Wellness), and Annina Fletcher (Title Wave Writer’s Club). A. Adamian called the meeting to order. Angie Hamric seconded it.
Old Business:
- Cultural Event—tentative date is Tuesday, April 9th
- SHS chefs are ready to help.
- Wave TV—willing to add monthly ads/teasers to the show
- Lauren Greer, Nina Fletcher, and Sabrina Dagley will stop by to see Mr. Carroll after 9:15 on 11/15/23.
- Mr. Carroll will confirm the location with Legare.
- Drew Somerville will be the photographer.
- Crowd control—different colors of passports/clusters instead of lines Packets to chefs outlining expectations need to be created.
New Business:
- Trinity Pristley asked if we could have hygiene products available in student bathrooms.
- Angie Hamric asked if we could compromise and have hygiene products added to the food pantry in the Media Center.
- HOSA could help. Mr. Carroll made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
- Ciara Male seconded the motion,
Our next meeting will be on December 12th at 5:00 in the Media Center.
December 12, 2023
January 9, 2024 (Rescheduled Jan. 16th due to weather)
SHS SIC has been cancelled for Tuesday, January 9th
Dear DD2 Families and Staff,
Due to the forecasted inclement weather, Dorchester School District Two will initiate our eLearning protocols on Tuesday, January 9.
All school buildings will be closed. We have a technology help line available for students: 843-695-4340. The help desk is also available at 1 to 1 Plus. Download the attached flyer for more information.
Extracurricular activities and afterschool programs scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, are cancelled as well. Your child’s teacher and/or school will provide additional information. We ask that you please review our eLearning Protocols web page to learn more. Please know DDTwo does not make these decisions lightly. We have many factors to consider, especially projected high winds that prohibit the use of school buses.
S.I.C. Meeting Minutes 1/16/24
In attendance: Fiorito, Raila, Ranslow, Glover, Dority, Santmyer
- Call to order
- Review old business
- Read minutes from last meeting- Minutes were read.
- New Business
- Review input gathered from parents and community members regarding the AMS Mission/Vision.-Reviewed feedback from Vision and Mission. Decided on #2 for vision and # 1 for mission. Will create a form to send out to all stakeholders for more feedback. Looking to refine if needed for repetitiveness and word choice. Will collect information to review during our March meeting.
- Discuss Relay for life March 22nd and what we will do for fundraising and to get AMS involved.-AMS Dance team will perform at relay for life and we will host musical dots. Fundraising Ideas include selling pizza and baked goods at Alston Alcove during courtyard. Selling Chick-Fil-A Biscuits. Selling Candy/Duck Grams for Valentines Day and Penny Wars. Raila will look into the chick-fil-a biscuits. (Will look into a venmo/cash app way to purchase items)
- Start to solidify process for auditions for the spring talent show.-The audition process will be on Friday, March 1st after school with an option for video submissions. Auditions should be 1 minutes or less. Final decisions will be made by March 8th. A survey will go out to gather interest in the talent show for both family, staff, and students. We will advertise in grade level newsletters and on Facebook for the event that will be held on Saturday, June 1st from 10-12. Will refine the audition process at February’s meeting.
- Next Meeting February 13, 2024 7:20-8:00 AM Room 603
- Refine audition process for Talent Show
- Discuss how to get parents, students, and staff involved in Relay for Life. Discuss flyers for advertisement.
- Review any input gathered thus far on AMS Vision/Mission
- Adjourn
February 13, 2024
SIC Minutes 2/13/2024
1. In attendance: James Carroll, Jennifer Plane, Debby Somerville, Angie Hamric, Ms. Roberts (parent), S. Dagley (student) and ________________(I forgot the other student’s name).
2. Call to Order: Adamian made the motion and A. Hamric seconded the motion.
3. Old Business:
a. Hygiene Products Projects
i. Place baseball card-sized signs indicating where girls can go to get feminine products.
ii. We will ask teachers if they are willing to allow girls to come to their rooms during their planning.
iii. Ms. Roberts mentioned the Home Period Project as a potential provider of products.
b. Cultural Event—May 1st
i. We will do documentaries this year (two per week). Edited by Wave TV. The documentary will be shown on May 1st (35 minutes).
ii. No cookbook
iii. Two-people panel as of now.
iv. Parade in the afternoon—2 tickets per teacher to give students.
v. We have reserved the auditorium and the cafeteria.
vi. 3 rd and 4th blocks vii. There will be an after-party with food and games.
4. New Business:
a. Review CORE values (Jen Plane will contact Horace Mann and report back)
b. School Beautification will be on March 9th from 10-2.
i. Create a list of projects—SIC would like two.
ii. We need to organize the materials needed and make a list of who is doing what.
iii. A. Hamric will create a flyer for the beautification day.
iv. Plane will communicate with faculty.
5. Adjourn: Adamian made a motion to adjourn the meeting and A. Hamric seconded the motion.
March 12, 2024
SIC Agenda 3/12/2024
1. Call to order
2. Review of old business:
a. Review Core Value Candidates for first semester
b. Set a date for the School Beautification Workday
c. Update on Cultural Event proposed date of 1 May.
3. New Business:
a. Reflection on School Beautification.
i. What worked, what didn’t?
ii. How can we better advertise?
b. Cultural event update-Carroll
c. Update on hygiene drive-Adamian
d. Officers for the 2024-2025 school year-Carroll/Plane
4. Next Meeting: 9 April, 2024 5.
SIC Agenda 3/12/2024
1. In attendance: James Carroll, Jennifer Plane, Angela Adamian, Angie Hamric, Ciara Male, S. Dagley (esports), M. Horres (HOSA), and I. Sanders (Studco)
2. Call to order: Male made the motion and Adamian seconded the motion.
3. Review of old business:
a. Review Core Value Candidates for first semester
i. Attempted communication with Horrace Mann
ii. New edition: 1 male and 1 female student per grade level will receive an end-of-theyear award
1. Hamric will make and send out a nomination form by April 1st for faculty and staff to nominate students w/ characteristics that encompass all DD2 Core Values
2. Hamric will connect with Leadership (Miller) and Fishing Club (Carroll) about potential prizes
b. Set a date for the School Beautification Workday
c. Update on Cultural Event proposed date of 1 May.
4. New Business:
a. Reflection on School Beautification.
i. What worked, what didn’t?
1. Biggest turn out! Students worked really hard!
2. Suggestions for change:
a. Time adjustment 8am-12pm
b. Meet with club advisors to be better prepared for projects
c. Provide PPE or discuss PPE needs with club advisors
ii. How can we better advertise? - Suggest club advisors post on social media.
b. Cultural event update-Carroll
i. Three Wave TV students practiced making a segment w/ Carroll and S. Dagley for the documentary
ii. Filming for documentary segments will begin in the next week
iii. Suggestion: Add country signs for parade (I. Sanders will discuss with Leadership about doing this) iv. PTSA will discuss increasing donation to $1000 at board meeting
c. Update on hygiene drive-Hamric
i. HOSA and BETA club are doing a shared donation drive April 8th through 19th .
ii. Working with the Lowcountry Period Pixies to receive additional donations.
iii. Many teachers do not have a planning period so will break the school in zones instead of hallways.
d. Officers for the 2024-2025 school year-Carroll/Plane
i. Start early to nominate the 2024-2025 council. Voting will occur in April/May.
1. Suggestion: Move SIC meetings up to 4:30 PM so may faculty may attend.
ii. Positions available for 2-year term: Chair, 1st Vice Chair, and Secretary
5. Next Meeting: 9 April, 2024
6. Adjourn: Adamian made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Plane seconded the motion.
April 9, 2024
SIC Agenda 4/9/2024
1. Call to order
2. Review of Old business
3. New Business:
a. Core values have been included in Ms. Neal’s email. Please encourage the staff to nominate students for SOY!
b. Update on cultural event
c. Need to create our 2022-2023 report to parents
d. Nominations for 2024 Officers, elections
4. Next Meeting 14 May
5. Adjourn
SIC Meeting Minutes April 9, 2024
1. In attendance: Mary Ruth Horres (HOSA), Angela Adamian, Jay Liu (Health & Wellness), Terana’jah Geddis (Health & Wellness), Ciara Male, Sabrina Dagley (E-Sports and Engineering Clubs), Debby Somerville, James Carroll, Jennifer Plane (admin), and Angie Hamric.
2. Call to Order: Adamian moved to begin the meeting, which Ciara Male seconded.
3. Old Business:
A. Celebration of Culture and Cuisine on May 1st. The recordings and interviews with Wave TV are going well. We need enough students to interview and prepare a meal to make the documentary. A suggestion was made to incorporate staff members to cook also.
B. Core Value Candidates: Nominees will be accepted through April 19th. Hamric will send out one final email. The Fishing Club will donate money to buy awards. We will have one female and one male for each grade level.
C. SIC Annual Report to the parents. Jennifer Plane is leading this project.
D. Update on hygiene drive: Beta Club (Causey) and HOSA (Hamric) are doing a two week hygiene drive. Hamric will contact staff who need to know. Mary Ruth suggested asking for donations through the SHS Instagram.
4. New Business:
A. Officer nominations for the 2024-25 school year. Officers for the 2024-25 school year will be finalized before the end of school.
B. Nominees:
i. Chairperson: James Carroll
ii. Second Chair: Angela Adamian
iii. Secretary: Angie Hamric
5. Next Meeting: May 14th, 2024 6.
Adjourn: Angela Adamian made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Angie Hamric seconded the motion.