SIC Minutes 10/10/2023
Toni Olson, Angie Hamric, Angela Adamian, Ciara Male, Mrs. St. Andrews, Diane McCracken, Jennifer
Plane, Mr. Carroll (virtually), Susan Green and Sabrina Dagley.
Carroll called the meeting to order, and Mrs. Adamian seconded.
No old minutes: Male moved that we pass over old minutes; Hamric seconded.
Motion to strike second vice-chair. Plane concurred.
Olson—our cultural fair was a success last year.
Meeting this Friday in Carroll’s room (250) at 8:00
New Business:
a. Confirmation of SIC Officers. Officers typically serve two years. This should be the second year
of each person’s term.
i. Chairmen-James Carroll
ii. Vice chair-Angela Adamian
iii. Secretary-Debby Somerville
b. 2023-24 Block Party/Cookbook Launch/Panel:
i. NOTES/IDEAS: This year’s theme is food and culture during holidays. It has been
proposed that the MLL students write an international cookbook. Olson pointed out
that this project could also give us Health and Nutrition points at MUSC. We could
incorporate some of the restaurants in Charleston. Could be a “My family to yours”
concept. We need to sell this idea to several chefs and parents. Teachers can be given
tickets to give to their students who have gone above and beyond in the classroom. St.
Andrews said she would speak to a family member about restaurants. Sabrina Dagley
also has connections with Trident chefs. Students can work on cookbooks all year while
we prepare. Cultural food trucks are also a possibility (outside Teal Miller’s room).
Possibly have an event each month highlighting a different countries’ food.
ii. Proposed time: March 2024
iii. Place: Mini gym if admin approve
iv. Wave T.V. spots on the cultures represented by our MLL students. For example, we
could do an event on “Day of the Dead.”
v. MLL students can film themselves at home cooking their food in their language.
c. Review and Update SIC Initiatives and Projects:
i. Beautification Days –on hold for the moment
ii. Support the staff through appreciation efforts and increase morale.
Staffulty Notes, Candy, etc.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
Inspiring notes and posters around the building and in bathrooms.
Mental Health Tip of the Week (Adamian’s club).
iv. Inclusion Activities with BSU and MLL (see above notes)
d. Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year
i. Increase the number of parent and student volunteers and opportunities for involvement
(Connected to students’ cooking at home through parent involvement).
ii. Support the staff of SHS through appreciation efforts and increase morale.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
e. Core Values of the Month—revamp and streamline
i. Start date once per semester (students who represent all core values—one per grade level).
ii. How will these values be rewarded? Certificate, candy, etc. (Angie is checking with Horace
2. Next Meeting: 14 November, 5 pm
3. Adjourn –Ciara Male motions to adjourn. Angie Hamric seconded the motion.