School Improvement Council (SIC)
SIC is a broad-based community advisory group comprised of parents, teachers, and community members established in every school. This advisory group works with the principal to cultivate a positive school environment supporting student success.
Meeting Dates
- 9/9/2024 (P)
11/11/2024 (P)
1/13/2025 (P)
4/7/2025 (P)
5/12/2025 (P)
September 9, 2024
SIC Minutes 10/10/2023
Toni Olson, Angie Hamric, Angela Adamian, Ciara Male, Mrs. St. Andrews, Diane McCracken, Jennifer
Plane, Mr. Carroll (virtually), Susan Green and Sabrina Dagley.
Carroll called the meeting to order, and Mrs. Adamian seconded.
No old minutes: Male moved that we pass over old minutes; Hamric seconded.
Motion to strike second vice-chair. Plane concurred.
Olson—our cultural fair was a success last year.
Meeting this Friday in Carroll’s room (250) at 8:00
New Business:
a. Confirmation of SIC Officers. Officers typically serve two years. This should be the second year
of each person’s term.
i. Chairmen-James Carroll
ii. Vice chair-Angela Adamian
iii. Secretary-Debby Somerville
b. 2023-24 Block Party/Cookbook Launch/Panel:
i. NOTES/IDEAS: This year’s theme is food and culture during holidays. It has been
proposed that the MLL students write an international cookbook. Olson pointed out
that this project could also give us Health and Nutrition points at MUSC. We could
incorporate some of the restaurants in Charleston. Could be a “My family to yours”
concept. We need to sell this idea to several chefs and parents. Teachers can be given
tickets to give to their students who have gone above and beyond in the classroom. St.
Andrews said she would speak to a family member about restaurants. Sabrina Dagley
also has connections with Trident chefs. Students can work on cookbooks all year while
we prepare. Cultural food trucks are also a possibility (outside Teal Miller’s room).
Possibly have an event each month highlighting a different countries’ food.
ii. Proposed time: March 2024
iii. Place: Mini gym if admin approve
iv. Wave T.V. spots on the cultures represented by our MLL students. For example, we
could do an event on “Day of the Dead.”
v. MLL students can film themselves at home cooking their food in their language.
c. Review and Update SIC Initiatives and Projects:
i. Beautification Days –on hold for the moment
ii. Support the staff through appreciation efforts and increase morale.
Staffulty Notes, Candy, etc.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
Inspiring notes and posters around the building and in bathrooms.
Mental Health Tip of the Week (Adamian’s club).
iv. Inclusion Activities with BSU and MLL (see above notes)
d. Goals for the 2023-2024 School Year
i. Increase the number of parent and student volunteers and opportunities for involvement
(Connected to students’ cooking at home through parent involvement).
ii. Support the staff of SHS through appreciation efforts and increase morale.
iii. Support and raise awareness for Mental Health in the school setting.
e. Core Values of the Month—revamp and streamline
i. Start date once per semester (students who represent all core values—one per grade level).
ii. How will these values be rewarded? Certificate, candy, etc. (Angie is checking with Horace
2. Next Meeting: 14 November, 5 pm
3. Adjourn –Ciara Male motions to adjourn. Angie Hamric seconded the motion.
October 21, 2024
SIC Agenda 10/21/2024
In attendance:
Call to order:
Review of old business:
School Beautification Workday
Trident Day of Caring – November 22nd
Tentative date – March 8th
Plane will speak with Travis about getting a list
Committee Chair – A. Adamian
Hygiene Drive
Pencil pouches with feminine products are given to teachers upon request
Form in daily email to receive additional supplies
Pink dot stickers placed on doorframe/signs in student restrooms
Potential 2024-2025 Goals
2024-2025 Focus Ideas – increase inclusion, create study groups (potentially after school),
Health and Wellness Committee – potential activities
after school yoga for students and faculty
Mental health – Stop It app allows anonymous reporting
Need a mental health support group or similar to a “buddy” program
New business:
Next Meeting: 11 November, 2024
SIC Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2023
Attendance: Angie Hamric (Bio-Med), Ciarra Male (PTSA), Suzanne Green (Millie Lewis—community member), Angela Adamian (English), Jennifer Plane (Admin), Debby Somerville (SIC Secretary, Nora Blackwell (Teacher Cadets), Trinity Pristley (Student Body President), Logan Kelly (HOSA), Sabrina Dagley (Esports and Engineering), Mary Ruth Horres (HOSA), Catherine Corbin(World Languages), Jay Lin (Health & Wellness), Terana’jan Geddis (Health & Wellness), and Annina Fletcher (Title Wave Writer’s Club). A. Adamian called the meeting to order. Angie Hamric seconded it.
Old Business:
- Cultural Event—tentative date is Tuesday, April 9th
- SHS chefs are ready to help.
- Wave TV—willing to add monthly ads/teasers to the show
- Lauren Greer, Nina Fletcher, and Sabrina Dagley will stop by to see Mr. Carroll after 9:15 on 11/15/23.
- Mr. Carroll will confirm the location with Legare.
- Drew Somerville will be the photographer.
- Crowd control—different colors of passports/clusters instead of lines Packets to chefs outlining expectations need to be created.
New Business:
- Trinity Pristley asked if we could have hygiene products available in student bathrooms.
- Angie Hamric asked if we could compromise and have hygiene products added to the food pantry in the Media Center.
- HOSA could help. Mr. Carroll made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
- Ciara Male seconded the motion,
Our next meeting will be on December 12th at 5:00 in the Media Center.
November 11, 2024
SIC Agenda 11/11/2024
In attendance: A. Adamian (English/SIC Vice Chairman), J. Plane (Assistant Principal), D. Somerville (Teacher Cadets), T. Geddis (Health & Wellness), J. Liu (Health & Wellness), C. Male (PTSA Pres/Parent), S. Nesbit (Biomed/ToY), V. McMahan (Teacher Cadets), E. Annis (Title Wave)
Call to order: A. Adamian - Motion to begin meeting, C. Male – 2nd the motion
Review of old business:
School Beautification workday – 2nd semester
Day of Caring planned for community at end of November (no students involved)
Hygiene Drive – form for doors & supplies provided to teachers
Communicate with nurses about advising students to utilize “pink dot” teachers
Potential 2024-2025 Goals – diversity & community
Hamric will contact Rho Kappa about diversity event
Suggestion: holiday themed event (Ex. Holidays Around the World)
Suggestion: Hallway decoration competition (diversity)
Goal – week of January 13th
Work with STUCO & Leadership – V. McMahan will email Heinert & Miller about event
Health and Wellness – dieticians focus group
Will follow up with M. Williams
After School Tutoring/”Buddy” Mentoring Program
Tutoring already available during Evening School
MTSS have created subgroups to work with teachers and students in need
A. Adamian will email P. Toliver about previous buddy systems
Suggestion to large clubs – create upperclassmen/underclassmen buddy system within the club
New business:
Angel tree supervisor – J. Plane will reach out to Ms. Lee for information; C. Male will supervise it this year
Wear Red for Special Ed in December (2nd)
Next Meeting: 9 December, 2024
Adjourn: A. Adamian – motion to adjourn, J. Plane – 2nd the motion
November 11, 2024
January 13, 2025
SIC Minutes 2/10/2025
In attendance:
Call to order:
Review of old business:
Potential 2024-2025 Goals – diversity & community
Diversity Event (Rho Kappa) update:
Hallway decoration competition (diversity) update:
Goal – week of January 13th, suggested moving to February
Health and Wellness – dieticians focus group
”Buddy” Mentoring Program (separate club):
Update from Jay & Terana’jah regarding student survey:
Angel tree update: All angels were adopted!
Wear Red for Special Ed (December 2nd) update: It was successful, and many teachers wore red!!
New business:
SIC Minutes 1/13/2025
In attendance: J. Liu (Health & Wellness), C. Male (PTSA President), S. Nesbit (ToY/Biomed), A. Hamric (HOSA/Biomed), J. Carroll (Social Studies/SIC Chair), J. Plane (AP Rep)
Call to order: A. Hamric called the meeting to order and S. Nesbit 2nd it.
Review of old business:
Potential 2024-2025 Goals – diversity & community
Diversity Event (Rho Kappa) update
Hallway decoration competition (diversity):
Goal – week of January 13th, suggested moving to February
Health and Wellness – dieticians focus group
”Buddy” Mentoring Program (separate club):
Update from Jay & Terana’jah regarding student survey
Angel tree update: All angels were adopted!
52 children were adopted
Given a plaque for recognition
Wear Red for Special Ed (December 2nd) update: It was successful, and many teachers wore read!!
New business:
Diversity Event Updates (Carroll/Dash are co-chairs):
No Diversity Event planned for this year.
Potential Activity – Dominos tournament (Gasparik/Carroll)
During school, in the media center, early planning stages
Hallway decoration competition (diversity): Hamric emailed Miller and Heinert to find out what Student Council and Leadership has planned for Black History Month
SIC Core Value Awards – per semester
Nominations will be sent out to faculty tonight and again at the end of April
“Buddy” Mentor Program update
J. Liu will meet with Ms. Travis about a club proposal and potential advisor
Reach out to Beacon club
Next Meeting: 10 February 2025
Adjourn: S. Nesbit called to end the meeting and J. Plane 2nd it.
February 10, 2025
SIC Minutes 2/10/25
In attendance:
Call to order:
Review of old business:
Potential 2024-2025 Goals – diversity & community
Diversity Event (Rho Kappa) update:
Hallway decoration competition (diversity) update:
Goal – week of January 13th, suggested moving to February
Health and Wellness – dieticians focus group
”Buddy” Mentoring Program
New business:
SIC Minutes 2/10/2025
In attendance: A. Adamian (Health & Wellness/SIC Vice Chairman), A. Hamric (HOSA/SIC Secretary), J. Plane (Admin), T. Maloy (Student Council/SNHS), I. Palacios (SNHS), I. Sanders (Student Council), M. Willis (Anime), J. Heinert (Student Council)
Call to order: J. Heinert called the meeting to order and T. Maloy 2nd it.
Review of old business:
Potential 2024-2025 Goals – diversity & community
Hallway decoration competition (diversity):
Part of Student Council Black History Month events – February 27th deadline
Student activity: Art and Writing contest – February 24th deadline
”Buddy” Mentoring Club:
Potential Advisor – Ms. Tellez
Three students are interested in leading it (two current juniors and one current sophomore).
J. Liu is making a document describing goals and objectives to present to Dr. Leviner.
Update from Heinert – teacher from FES emailed Heinert about creating a mentor program between SHS and FES
Consider mentoring partnerships with feeder schools
Dominos Tournament update – Hamric emailed Mr. Carroll for an update
SIC Core Value Awards – 14 award winners
Received a bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes & certificate
Pictures were taken of students to celebrate on social media
Addition: include faculty and staff in awards
New business:
School Beautification Day – tentatively scheduled for March 8th
Emailed Travis for project ideas.
Clean bathrooms
Clean graffiti
Teacher work rooms
Clean garden/courtyards
Monthly Teacher and Student Recognition
2025-2026 idea - may shift to Student Council
Create community partnerships to provide breakfast
Principal’s Council meetings – would like to improve communication between clubs or have attending SIC a requirement for club advisors or a representative
Suggestion: change SIC meetings to mornings
Next Meeting: 7 April 2025 (no March meeting)
Adjourn: M. Willis called to end the meeting and A. Adamian 2nd it.